About Manhood Blurprint

A unique, holistic approch

S. Morteza Lajevardi is the founder of Manhood blueprint and the author of the “Get Your Manhood Back” book. He is a mind educator, and he believes in a holistic approach to solving any human problems. He has found a proven way, combining ancient Persian medicine and modern science to restore sexual competency in men fundamentally 

Humans cannot repeat the same thoughts and behavior and expect a different result. That is why in a holistic approach a powerful mindset should be developed. The transformation of mind perspective and behavior yields fruitful, lasting results.  

When you change constructively the story you tell yourself, you can transform your personality and become a more advanced version of yourself who is sexually competent and powerful. Sex power is one of the most important factors in a quality relationship. 

Manhood Blueprint


To provide an effective approah to holistically rehabilitate sexaul power in men.


Men deserve respect and sexual power. To guide men towards their true potential and lasting sexual power.
